High-Touch, Proven Human-Focused Approach

Layoffs and workforce reductions are difficult for the company and the exiting employee.  Our human-focused approach was developed with the understanding that during emotional and stressful times, the offboarding employee wants to have an advocate in their corner and the company wants a dependable partner.

Program Options

One size does not fit all.  We have different programs for all levels of employees.


All programs are available remotely with 1-on-1 personalized support


We not only help you build good will, we help you to show your remaining employees that you care.

We go over and above...

We're not your traditional outplacement firm
We are your partner.  During any RIF or layoff event, your departing employees will be given a sense of hope and your retained employees that you care.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
Book an appointment
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