Complimentary Assessments

The four main purposes of assessment should be:

1. To improve – The assessment process should provide feedback to determine how improvement can be achieved.

2. To inform – The assessment process should inform the job seeker of the contributions and impact as it relates to future growth

3. To prove – The assessment process should encapsulate and demonstrate the job seeker's perception to potential employers and outsiders.

4. To support – The assessment process should provide support for job seeker in their chosen career direction and course of action.

Please take the complimentary assessments as they are integral tools for uncovering your potential and achieving success.

Job Search Diagnostic
You're an accomplished professional and have had much success in your career. Unfortunately, many professionals "don't know what they don't know" about how to conduct an effective search. It's more than a well-crafted resume and LinkedIn profile—the skills required to get the job are different from those required to do the job. Unless you're proficient at job searching, you may not be doing it right. And that can be really frustrating.

 We get it, and have developed the Job Search Diagnostic to address this issue.
Discover Your Innate Core Values
We provide you with an in¬depth assessment of goals, and innate characteristics that help with your personal branding. We review your strengths in the marketplace and challenges you may face in identifying the right opportunities as well as help you communicate your value to a company’s situation. This begins with career analysis, which includes a process of gathering information about you through the application of 3 different assessments. 
Executive Resume & Job Review
We at Career Life Academy are dedicated to researching and culling the vast amount of information on the job search game and implementing best practices for our clients to be successful in their career transition. 

For the past several years, applicant tracking systems (ATS) utilized by many recruiters has taken center stage. Ensuring the right key words to get past these systems to hopefully generate an interview is essential.

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